Avant Arte Artist Pages

Artist Pages SEO project

In early 2022, I because the interim Head of Content at Avant Arte.

One of the things I quickly identified was that the team of content execs were having to create a huge amount of content in a very short space of time. For each release, they needed to produce the product page, email content and social media posts. For artists who were working with Avant Arte for the first time, they also had to create an entire artist page, including artist studio shoot and full artist bio. All of this was usually squeezed into the space of a few weeks, meaning the team were under a lot of pressure. Another side effect of this was that the artist page often only went live a few weeks before a release, meaning reduced SEO value and less opportunity for promotion and less chance to get email sign ups.

After putting in some processes to help with the social media work, I pitched the idea of creating all artist pages for 2022 in Q1 and Q2. This would require freelance writing support, but would also mean we could increase SEO strength, promote releases earlier and reduce the pressure on the team in the weeks leading up to a release.

We decided to test this with 10 artist pages, and they showed a significant increase in SEO traffic and sign ups.

We then launched the project, covering a backlog of 120 artist pages that all had releases within the next 12 months.

This was a huge project, and required a lot of organisation to make sure studio shoots were completed in budget, the bio was written and edited to meet the Avant Arte style, and the whole page signed off by the artist and their team.

At the same time, we started to create artist pages for Q1 and Q2 2023, meaning we were able to get artist pages live sometimes 9 months before a release.


Meander Landing Page


Avant Arte website redesign